Commercial cleaning is different from janitorial cleaning. Know the difference here and why you need #StephensCleaningServices for all types of cleaning jobs in GoldCoast. tiny.cc/sga4az See...
#FunFact: Did you know that the dust and dirt in your house is 70% dead skin cells? Our skin sheds off about 3-9mg every hour! #StephensCleaningServices provide full house cleaning in all corners of your house at prices you can afford with quality services that you...
If you’re running low on antibacterial spray, mix lemon juice with water and use it to spray your kitchen counters and other surfaces as an alternative. This #cleaningtip is a favorite trick here at #StephensCleaningServices See...
Power Wash is not the same as Pressure Wash. Power wash is ideal only for extra long surfaces with extreme dirt, whereas pressure wash is softer and recommended for patios, decks and softer surfaces. Know the difference with Stephens Cleaning Services to get the right...
Different surfaces require different cleaning solutions. There is a big difference between cleaners, sanitizers and disinfectants. But do you know how to use them? Here’s a helpful topic we’re pretty sure will help you out . See...
Towels should be ideally replaced (and cleaned) every 3 days to avoid nasty smells and bacteria clogging in their fibers. You know what else needs frequent cleaning and replacements? Your air conditioning filters. Since they can be quite expensive, having them cleaned...
” Commercial and home power washers are different, yet all of them should be operaterd by professionals or people that undertaken the right training. Cleaning your house on your own often result in a poorlycleaned space. There will always be soap residue or...
Pressure and power washing can be very dangerous, so it’s recommended to use protective equipment while using them. They are powerful enough to send bits of concrete or stone ricocheting at speeds rivaling those of bullets. And not anyone can use it. However, they are...
Power and pressure washing should be done during spring or fall, since there is a high risk of permanent material damage during winter or summer. See...
Window cleaners don’t look down at pedestrians when working on high-rise buildings not because of fear, but simply because they dont have the time. They have strict deadlines., But at Stephens Cleaning Services, we make sure that the time we allocate for cleaning your...
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